Faculty Details

Dr. Dutta graduated from Rampurhat College with Honours(Sanskrit) in 2003 under The University of Burdwan, post-graduated in Sanskrit from The University of Burdwan in 2005, M.Phil in 2008 from The University of Burdwan. Dr. Dutta has been part of T.H.L.H Mahavidyalaya as a part-time faculty. She joined as a Assistant Teacher of Sanskrit at Kalitha High School. She completed Ph.D in 2014 from The University of Burdwan. In April 2010, Dr. Dutta joined as an Assistant Professor at Memari College, Memari, Purba Bardhaman.
Assistant Professor
M.A, M.Phil, Ph.D
Life Membership of learned Societies:
- All Bengal Sanskrit Lovers Association (ABSLA) (Click Here)
- International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts. ISSN: 2320-2882 (Click Here)
Area of Interest:
- বিপ্লবী মনীষীদের রত্নগর্ভা মায়েদের জীবনী
- মহাপুরুষদের রত্নগর্ভা মায়েদের জীবনী
Special Training Courses attended:
- Academic Staff College (The University of Burdwan, Burdwan). Participated in the 86th Orientation Programme from 7th june 2012 to 4th july 2012 and obtained Grade A.(Click Here)
- Academic Staff College (The University of Burdwan, Burdwan). Participated in the Ist Refresher Course from 8th January to 28th January 2015 and Obtained Grade A. (Click Here)
- Human Resourse Development Centre (The University of Burdwan, Burdwan) Participated in the Refresher Course from December 10 to 23, 2019 and Obtained Grade A+. (Click Here)
- Teaching Learning Centre,Ramanujan College University Of Delhi. Has Successfully completed Two weeks interdisciplinary International Refresher Course on "Academics Bank of Credits(ABC) Scheme in Higher Education, UGC Regulation, 2021(With reference to Blended Learning)" from 7th-20th July, 2021 and Obtained Grade A+. (Click Here)
- Human Resourse Development Centre (The University of Burdwan, Burdwan) Participated in the Refresher Course in Modern Indian Languages from 10th November 2022 to 23rd November 2022 and Obtained Grade A+. (Click Here)
- Sanskrit bharati ( ptrachar dbara sanaskritam) a. Prabesh b . Parichay (Click Here) c.Shiksha (Click Here) d. Kobid
- Central Sanskrit University ( Non-Formal Sanskrit Education) Certificate Course in Sanskrit Language ( প্রথম দীক্ষা ) , Certificate year 2020-2021 (Click Here)
- Central Sanskrit University ( Non-Formal Sanskrit Education) Diploma in Sanskrit Language ( দ্বিতীয় দীক্ষা )Certificate year 2021-2022. (Click Here)
- হাওড়া সংস্কৃত সাহিত্য সমাজ - সংস্কৃত অনুবাদ শিক্ষা তথা কথ্য সংস্কৃতম , Year 2021 july - sept 2021. (Click Here)
Publications in reputed Journal(with ISSN No. and Impact Factor):
Paper Presented in:
Seminar/ Conference Attended:
- PARICIPATED in the National Webinar ( Relevance of Sanskrit Literature in Practical life) on 11th September 2020, oraganized by Department of Sanskrit in Collaboration with IQAC at HIRALAL MAZUMDAR MEMORIAL COLLEGE FOR WOMEN 2 (Click Here)
- Participated in the Seminar on Pandemic in History : past and Present Organized by the Department of History,Sitananda College and Tamluk Itihas Charcha Kendra on 27th August 2020 at TAMLUK ITIHAS CHARCHA KENDRA, Tamluk, Purba Mednipur, West Bengal, (Click Here)
- Participated in the One day online National Level Webinar on Organized by National Service Scheme(NSS) in association with IQAC on 2.10.2020 at VIVEKANDA MISSION MAHAVIDYALAYA,Chaitanyapur(Haldia),Purba Mednipur. (Click Here)
- Participated in the One day International Webiner on "Role of Ayurveda in present situation" organized by the Department of Sanskrit,Mankar College,Mankar on 2nd October 2020 from 10.00AM to 1.00PM (IST) at MANKAR COLLEGE. (Click Here)
- Participated in the Two day International Web-Sangosthi Entitled, study of the Law of Karma as Reflected in the RAMAYANA,MAHABHARATA AND PURANA organized by the Department of the Sanskrit and IQAC, Saldiha College, Saldiha, Bankura on 28th and 29th September 2020 at SALDIHA COLLEGE. (Click Here)
- Participated in the State level Webiner on "We and Our Human Rights in a Global Prospective today", Organized by the Department of Political Science in Collaboration with IQAC, on 10th December 2020 at VIVEKANDA MISSION MAHAVIDYALAYA,Chaitanyapur(Haldia),Purba Mednipur (Click Here)
- Participated in Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira One day National Webiner on 29th July,2020 title Smritishastre Samajiko Mulyobodhah, organized by the Department of Sanskrit at Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira. (Click Here)
- Participated in the National Workshop on Yoga Therapy for Health and Wellness organized by the Faculty of Helath and Wellness, Sri Sri University from December 16-17,2021. (Click Here)
- Participated in the Dr. Malay Bhattacharyya Memorial Lecture Series(International Level) on Ethics and Morality in Shastric Tradition : An Evaluation Organized by Shyamsundar Chatuspathi Purba Burdwan during 24-27 july 2021. (Click Here)
- Participated in the National Webiner on "Scriptural Tradition of Sanskrit Literature", conducted by Department of Sanskrit, Sri Sri University from 15-11-2021 to 16-11-2021. (Click Here)
- Participated in the International webinar on post-covid world order: challenges and Way outs: organized by NCC, Bankura Christian Collage on 25-26 June 2020. (Click Here)
- Participated in the International Webinar on Way of Present day Human Life in the Light of Vedanta Envisaged by Swami Vivekananda organized by Department of Sanskrit and IQAC Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya Burdwan on 6th August 2020. (Click Here)
- Participated in the National Webinar on "Gandhi and Sustainable Development" onganized by the Department of Political Science and IQAC, Galshi Mahavidyalaya,Purba Burdwan on 4th August 2020. (Click Here)
- Participated in One Day International Webinar on India-China Relation in Emerging World Order present Scenario" organized by Department of Political Science in collaboration with IQAC at Khudiram Bose Central College,2nd September,2020. (Click Here)
- Participated in the three days Webinar on "YOGA for happiness of all"on 28-31st August 2021. (Click Here)
- Participated in the One Day National Level webinar, held on 29th June,2021, Organised by Post Graduate Department of Sanskrit at Acharya Brijendra Nath Seal College, Coochbehar, West Bengal.(Click Here)
- Participated in the National e-Conference on August 26th,27th,28th 2021., Organised by Department of Sanskrit in Collaboration IQAC SKBU.(Click Here)
- Participated in One Day International Webinar on "Emerging Trends in the Post Pandamic World Order:Issues and Concerns"Organised by the Department of Political science and Philosophy at Galsi Mahavidyalaya, on 7th September,2020(11a.m to1.30p.m) (Click Here)
- Participated one day State Level webinar on "সাম্প্রতিক অতিমারীর প্রেক্ষাপট এবং সমকালীন সমাজে তার প্রভাব:উওরনের অনুসন্ধান" Organized by National Service Scheme (Unit1&2) in collaboration with IQAC at Galsi Mahavidyalaya on 29th August 2020. (Click Here)
- Participated in the One Day National Level Webinar Entitled "Psychological and Social Barriers in Pandamic Situation", Organized by the Department of Education and Department of Sociology in collaboration with IQAC at Dum Dum Motijheel College, Kolkata, West Bengal,held on 22nd August,2020,(11am- 1.30pm).
- Participated in One-Day International Level Webinar Entitled 21st Century & the Trend of Bengal Fictional literature ", Organized by the Department of Bengal in collaboration with IQAC,Sreegopal Banerjee College on 31st August,2020.
- Attended a three days Webinar Series on Vedantic Foundations of Global Management:Insights from Upanishads" Organized by ISOL Foundation during October 17-19,2020.
- Participated in the One Day National Level Webinar Entitled"संस्कृते स्मृतिसाहित्ययॊ: आधुनिकोपयोग :",held on 29th June,2021(Total Duration: 3Hours), Organized by Post Graduation Department of Sanskrit Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College, Coochbehar, West Bengal.
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