Faculty Details

Mr. Konai graduated from "Labpur Shambhunath College" with Honours (Mathematics) in 2015 under The University of Burdwan, post-graduated in Mathematics and Statistics from The University of Burdwan in 2017 and 2019 respectively.He cleared CSIR NET with JRF in 2018. Also cleared P.hD interview at IIT Dhanbad. He joined IIT Dhanbad for P.hD in Mathematics in 2019 but after 2 years he left the IIT Dhanbad and he joined as a research scholar in Statistics at The University of Burdwan in 2021. After six months he joined as an Assistant Professor (Contractual) of Statistics at Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal. Mr. Konai has been part of Sister Nivedita University as a Visiting Faculty. He served as a Guest Lecturer in Statistics at the MBA Department under Calcutta University. He is presently pursuing P.hD on Sample Survey. In October 2023, Mr. Konai joined as an Assistant Professor at Memari College, Memari, Purba Bardhaman, India.
Current Position:
Assistant Professor
Date of Joining:
Academic Qualification:
- M.Sc. in Statistics
- M.Sc. in Mathematics
- NET(CSIR) with JRF
E-mail ID:
- phdstat2021@gmail.com (Personal)
- debjit.konai@memaricollege.edu.in (Official)
Contact Number:
Life Membership of learned Societies:
Life Members of Calcutta Statistical Association (Click Here)
Area of Interest:
- Regression Analysis
- Sample Survey
- Statistical Inference
- Linear Algebra
- Real Analysis
- Numerical Analysis
- R-Programming
Special Training Courses attended:
- Participated in the workshop entitle "Training of NAAC Methodology and Preparation" organised by Dept. of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal and held at M.U.C. Women's College on December 7, 2023. (Certificate: Click Here)
Participated and successfully completed the "7 Days Workshop on Statistical Techniques used in Research" from 06/02/2024 to 12/02/2024, organised by Department of Statistics, The University of Burdwan. (Certificate: Click Here)
- Participated and successfully completed the "30 Hours Short-Term Course on Data Science" from 11 June to 18 June, 2024, jointly organised by CIESD and Department of Statistics, The University of Burdwan.(Centificate: Click Here)
Publications in reputed Journal(with ISSN No. and Impact Factor):
- Rabindra Nath Das*, Youngjo Lee, Rajkumari Sanatombi Devi, Ranjan Kumar Sahoo and Debjit Konai,“Influencing Factors for Maximum Heart Rate Achieved for Cardiac Patients”, EC CARDIOLOGY EDITOR’S COLUMN- 2019
- Ishita Saha , Debjit Konai , Sunit Kumar Medda and Rabindra Nath Das*, "Effects of Insulin on Gestational Pima Indian Heritage Females", Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, 16 October 2021.
Paper Presented in:
Seminar /Conference Attended:
(1). National Conference on Modelling, Analysis & Simulations (Exploring the Nonlinear world of Mathematics) MAS 2019, December 16-18, 2019, Department of Mathematics and Computing, IIT Dhanbad.
(2). CSA Outreach Programme(Online Mode):
- Topic: Some Problems in using Stratified Sampling; Speaker: Prof. S.P.Mukherjee, Former Centenary Professor, Department of Statistics University of Calcutta, 2nd July 2021
- Topic: Small Area Estimation: Its Evolution in Five Decades; Speaker: Prof. Malay Ghosh, Department of Statistics, University of Florida, 23rd July, 2021
- Topic: Social Network analysis for Understanding of Animal Behavior; Speaker: Prof. Bikas K. Sinha, Retired Professor of Statistics, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, 9th July, 2021
(3). Participated and successfully completed the 5-Days National Workshop on "Maintenance and Servicing of Analytical and Laboratory Instruments " organized by Department of Applied Physics and Applied Statistics along with the Department of Applied Chemistry and Department of Bio-Technology, under the school of Applied Science and Technology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal in association with Western Regional Instrumentation Centre (WRIC), Mumbai from July 18-22, 2022. (Certificate: Click Here)
(4). Organizing committee member at the 5-days National Workshop on "Maintenance and Servicing of Analytical and Laboratory Instruments " organized by Department of Applied Physics and Applied Statistics along with the Department of Applied Chemistry and Department of Bio-Technology, under the school of Applied Science and Technology, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal in association with Western Regional Instrumentation Centre (WRIC), Mumbai from July 18-22, 2022. (Certificate: Click Here)
(5). CSA Outreach Program Second Lecture Session 3(Lecture Series for Propagation of Statistics Education and Research)(Online Mode):
- Topic: Explore fundamental concepts, practical applications, and exciting advancements in the field of statistics. This lecture series aims to enhance your understanding and passion for statistical analysis; Speaker: Prof. Asis K. Chattopadhyay, Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Calcutta, Ex Pro-Vice Chancellor,Academic, C.U.
- Topic: NETWORK SAMPLING FOR ESTIMATION IN HARD-TO-REACH POPULATIONS; Speaker: Prof. Manisha Pal, Sr. Professor and HoD, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, St. Xavier's University, Kolkata (Retd. Professor of Statistics, University of Calcutta), 8 Jun 2024.
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