Faculty Details

Dr. Mondal graduated from Vidyasagar College with Honours(English) under University of Calcutta in 2000, post-graduated from Netaji Subhas Open University (NSOU), West Bengal, India. Having cleared both UGC NET (2014) and WB- SET(2014), he joined Memari College as an Assistant Professor in Education in 2017. Previously he had been serving as an Assistant Teacher in Katwa Bharati Bhaban and Purba gopalpur S.M.P. Vidyapith since 2002. He earned his Ph.D degree from the University of Burdwan on English language learning of students at Secondary Level with respect to knowledge of Grammar and Pronunciation. He has published papers in Peer Reviewed and UGC CARE -listed journal. Presently, he is acting as incharge of the Department of Education, Memari College.
Assistant Professor
Date of Joining:
Academic Qualification
- M.A. in Education
- M.A. in English
- Ph. D. in Education.
E-mail ID:
Contact Numbers:
Life Membership of learned societies:
Area of Interest:
- Measurement and Evaluation in Education
- English Language Learning
Special Training Courses attended:
- Attended Orientation Course at UGC-HRDC , The University of Mizoram from 02.11.2021-22.11.2021 and obtained Grade A.
- Attended UGC -STRIDE Refresher Course (Mizoram University)on "Research Methodology: Research Ethics, Methods, Skills, Writing and Communication" from 19.08.2020-01.09.2020 and obtained Grade A.
- Attended Orientation Course at Teaching Learning Centre , Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, from 26.06.2020-24.07.2020 and obtained A+.
- Attended Faculty Development Program at Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi, on Systematic Literature Review and Meta-analysis from 07.12.2020-13.12.2020 and obtained Grade A+.
- Attended "In-service Training and Sensitization of Key Functionaries of Central and State Governments, Local Bodies and Other Service Providers" from 01.06.2018-03.06.2018 organized by School of Education, NSOU.
Paper Presented in:
(1) Participated and presented a paper titled "Vocational Education and its Relevance in the Present Educational System" in the Seminar on Experiential Learning and Pedagogy held on 26th September, 2018.The University of Burdwan.
(1) Participated and presented a paper titled "Role of Sister Nibedita for the empowerment ofWomen" in the Two - Days International Seminar on 150th Birth Anniversary of Sister Nibedita : The - Then Perspective in India, a Comparison organized by Deptt. Of Education. Jadavpur University, jointly Byanjanbarna Foundation, Kolkata on 27-28 Oct. - 2017.
(2 ) Participated and presented a paper titled "Position of Women in Present Society ; In Relation to Buddhism in the Two - Days International Seminar on Role of Women in Present Society as per Buddha's Perspective organized by Santiniketan Ambedkar Buddhist Welfare Mission in collaboration with Deptt. Of Indo-Tibetan Studies Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan held on 23rd - 24th March, 2019.
(3) Participated and presented a paper titled "Role of of Emotion in the Process of Education" in the UGC Sponsored Two - Days International Seminar on Education, Emotion and Contemporary Global World organized by Centre for Disability Studies and Rehabilitation, Jadavpur University, jointly with Byanjanbarna Foundation held on 7th - 8th December - 2017.
(4) Participated and presented a paper entitled "Quality Assurance in Teacher Education in 21st Century in the Two - Days International Conference on Teacher Education [ICTE(1)-2018] in the Arena of Globalization organized by Bam Vivekananda B. Ed College held on 10th & 11th March, 2018.
(5) Participated and presented a paper titled Tagore’s Educational Ideas and its Relevance to the Present Context in the UGC - RUSA 2.0 Sponsored Two Days International Seminar on Rethinking Rabindranath : Modernity Coloniality, Decoloniality organized by the Centre for Studies in Cultural Diversity and Wellbeing Jadavpur University in Collaboration with Deptt. Of Pol. Science SKBU and Byanjanbarna Foundation, Kolkata on 6th & 7th January 2020.
Seminar /Conference Attended
(1) Participated in the Seven - days Workshop on Methodological Approach to Research in Language and Social Science from 11-17 October, 2017 organized by Deptt. Of Education, Jadavpur University jointly with Byanjanbarna Foundation Kolkata.
(2) Undergone "In-Service Training and Sensitization of Key Functionaries of Central and State Government Local Bodies and other Service providers" organized by School of Education, NSOU and Implemented by RCI from 1st-3rd June 2018.
(3) Participated Workshop on "Promotion under Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) " from July 19-2019 organized by IQAC, Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya Hooghly.
(4) Actively Participated in the Two - Day State Level Workshop on Research Methodology, held at Rabindra Bharati University on March 3 & 4, 2020.
(5) Participated One Day Workshop on "Thematic Popularization of NEP 2020 " held on 2nd November, 2021 organized by HRDC, Mizoram University.
(6) Attended a 3-day Workshop ffor enhancing Capacity of Higher Education Teacher organized by CIQA, NSOU in collaboration with COL-CEMCA during December 17-19, 2021, at Regional Center, Durgapur
(7) Successfully Completed One Week Faculty Development Program on " Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis" from December (07-13),2020 and obtained a grade A+ organized by TLC, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi.
(8) Participated 7- Day International Faculty Level Faculty Development Program on "Methodology of Research in Social Sciences : Latest Innovations" organized by IQAC, Mrinalini Dutta Mahavidyapith, Kolkata in Collaboration With the Faculty Development Centre, Mizoram University and Deptt. Of Education Jadavpur University Kolkata from 25th - 31st July, 2020 and obtained Grede 'A'
Publications in reputed Journal(with ISSN No. and Impact Factor):
- Mondal,N.K.(2019).Developing Skills of Grammar and Writing through Constructivism. Review of Research, 8(9),21-24.
- Mondal,N.K. & Mohapatra, R.L.(2023). Does Knowledge of Vocabulary Correlate with Academic Achievement in English: A Study of Secondary Level Students? International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 10(1), 421-427.
- Mondal,N.K.(2023). Sriniketan and Tagore's Concept of Rural Reconstruction. International Education and Research Journal,9(8),46-47.
- Mondal,N.K.(2023). Child and Society: The Evolving role in the Contemporary Context. Antarmukh,13(1),135-152.
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