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About Department


"Mathematics is the Language with which God has written the Universe"

-------Galileo Galilei

"In Mathematics, the art of asking question is more valuable than solving problems"

-------Georg Cantor

Welcome to Our Department

Although the college has established in 1981, the department of Mathematics started functioning from 1998. Initially the department used to offer only general courses of mathematics but from 2005 the department also offered Honours in mathematics. At present the department offers 3 years/ 4 years Major and Minor courses on Mathematics under New Education Policy 2020. Currently, we have three Faculties in the department. Among the three faculties, one Associate Professor, one Assistant professor and one S.A.C.T-II. The faculties are active in research and their research includes Real Analysis, PDE based image Processing, Reduced order modelling for parametric PDEs, and Fluid dynamics.

Vision of the Department 

The vision of the department is to produce impactful and responsible Teachers, Professors and Researchers in the field of Mathematics and allied Areas.

Mission of the Department

  1. To make the students understand the concept of the mathematics logically.
  2. To realise the applicability of Mathematics in dealing with real world problems.
  3. Gain some knowledge of programming languages like C, and software skills like MTLAB that might help them in future.
  4. They can gain some flavour of Research by obtaining some projects in various active field of research in Mathematics.

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Messages from the Desk of HOD

Welcome to the Department of Mathematics. At present our department offers 3/4yr Major and Minor courses to the B.Sc. students under NEP 2020. The syllabus is covered with in the time and regular evaluation of the students are done through internal tests and 75 percentage of attendance is mandatory. The faculties are very active in research. We will appreciate any collaborative research with our department.

Warms regards
Dr. Anupam Garai
Associate Professor
Head of The Department